Starting fresh in the Land of the Rising Sun part3

^part 1 here | part 2 here

With March comes also Spring.
You will see Sakuras all over the place.
Stores and companies all get into the sakura fever.

Went to Starbucks with Tita Honey.
Tried out their special sakura themed products.

Sakura Latte with Sakura cake.

Sakura on the Starbucks cup

sakura cake is moist and heavenly, has subtle sweetness with a bit of saltiness at the end.

Sakura latte with sakura flakes

I've taken to hugging this rillakuma when ever I start missing my sister. I like to think korira is me and rilla is Minami. Minami is bigger than I am, so yeah XD
Got this rillakuma from a thrift shop heheheh

Found a vending machine that sells banana milk!
yay! my favorite!~

Rillakuma is really big here, I found sausages with their faces on them in the super market.
Look at my crepe! It has korillakuma on it! heheheh
Snack! Hot cocoa and korillakuma crepe from Lawson

My mom has introduced some lifestyle changes.
Mainly she tells me to put on lotion nightly and daily, and use hand cream after everytime I was the dishes.
aurghhhhh was never a fan of lotions, I find them hot and sticky but one can not escape a mother on mom mode hehheehhe

Went out one Saturday with momsy, tita honey and papa niki
Went to this place that offered eat-all-you-can Italian food.

Unlimited access to their salad bar, beverage counter and snack bar.
Also, in this place, you just order the dish you like and the waiter brings it to you.
Food was so good, I eventually neglected to take photos. oTL
Pizza and pasta! Yummy!

After eating our fill of desserts, veggies, pizza and pasta, we went to this place that sells surplus stuff. It was kinda like a ware house sale and a thrift shop but not really. XDD
Bought some stuff.
 only 84 yen!

 because I love saber and rillakuma.

 also 84 yen only!

gilgamesh!!! husbando get!
this is what was inside those saber boxes.

After tiring ourselves with thrift shopping, we stopped for tea at Komeda's Coffee.
Tea, tea, tea and more tea XD
Komeda's was a cozy place.

had iced tea, literally, it is tea with ice, and cake

Mom complained that I was always in manang attire a.k.a. mori kei so I dressed differently.
What I wore:

My look that day

yuu and tita honey

momsy and me

Just sharing, in Japan, you can't go buying cigarettes easily.
You have to be of legal age first, this vending machine requires that you show some identification before you get cigarettes. Technology XDD

After tea, we stopped by Aeon Mall. Wouldn't you know it?
End of Winter sale! Items were 50 to 70% off! /faints

I was never a brand conscious person, I like buying clothes in divisoria and ukay-ukays as it was cheaper and more practical.

But since the sale was too good to pass.
My loot: XDD
H & M and Ingni

 Ingni dress

H & M blazer

Some kid stuff I thought were adorbs:

Mustache PJs for the classy kids who will grow up to be sirs heheheh

 Mom and me again! hehehe

Me and Aisha

And I shall end this post with a photo of my face hahahah!

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~