One month in Nagoya

^Time went by in a snap again.
I've been in Japan for more than a month now! hahahahhah

It is no mystery that I miss people, but it surprised me that I miss Filipino food as well.
Of course, the food I miss the most is my favorite chicharong bulaklak.
Then sinigang, then I started to crave corned beef.
Funny, but corned beef here doesn't taste the same as in the Philippines. For starters, the corned beef here isn't red, nor is it moist.
Corn beef here is dry, salty and looks like mulch.

I've been feeling down because of some negativity, it's sad when people just grow apart, ne?

When I am down, I either go on a mad cleaning frenzy or I do something with my hair.
I don't have a lot of stuff in my room yet, so I decided to bleach my hair.
It just makes me feel better, either one...

I now has golden hair! kira kira!

On my one month anniversary here, mom treated me to KFC.
She knows how I miss Filipino food, and I've been craving chicken. KFC is all over Manila, so I really miss it, especially the gravy. 

KFC in Nonami
Small but cozy.
I was so eager to go to KFC to see if they really did dress up their Colonel Sanders in costumes.
I was kinda disappointed to see this one in his usual garb.

KFC in Japan, NO GRAVY
also, NO RICE.
I guess the sabaw/gravy and rice thing is purely Filipino, maybe it's something KFC adopted to get in the Philippines.
The chicken tastes the same, just as delicious, but somehow isn't as satisfying, maybe I'm just so used to the gravy and loads of it... oTL
I looked forward to the gravy so much... T_T

The KFC menu in Japan.

What I wore on our KFC date.
Really simple, didn't know we were going out hahahah
I thought mom and me was just going out to do some grocery shopping XD plus it was raining...

Me and mom
Momsy is shy and doesn't want her face "plastered all over the internet"
I think she's lovely though and I wanted to post our photo together...
So I compensate with this heheheh

They said Spring comes when March comes in, I've been hearing people say it has gotten warmer.
I don't feel it. It is still very cold outside, I have 3-4 layers of clothes now instead of the 6-7 layers when it was Winter.
I'd like to use my ear muffs, mufflers and gloves when going out, but no one is using stuff like that anymore so I am really embarrassed hahahahah
I am a tropical gaijin after all. XDD
I lived 23 years in a tropical island, please bare with me >w<

Chiken skin chicharon!
Mom knew how much I missed these, so we bought chicken skin from the market and made these . Not the same as my favorite chicharong bulaklak but it made me happy hehehehe

 We got hijiki and nikujyaga from mom's friend
I've wondered what nikujyaga tastes like since I watched School Rumble hehehe
It's nice and has a subtle sweetness, now I understand why Karasuma likes curry over nikujyaga.
I choose curry, too.

My current toy collection
I've started collecting toys again, they are just so cheap for original ones, I couldn't help myself. XDDD

It has gotten warmer, they said.
I had just started building up my winter closet and now I have to start building up my spring closet, too!? Then it's gonna be summer, then after that will be fall T_T
So hard to keep up with the seasons... oTL
No wonder Japan is so fashion forward...
Bought some more clothes for the season

I just love stockings, so bought some, too.
Tattoo Stockings
Quite popular nowadays, so many designs to choose from!

 For when I do mori fashion

Stockings perfect for victorian or lolita fashion
my current favorite and actually the most expensive one at 1,260 yen XDD
But tis so lovely <3

just a photo from inside yamada denki
looks better in person
so many lights and mirrors hehehe

White day date with Tita Honey!
She took us to Bronco Billly's Steak house for dinner <3

Pork, chicken and beef steak

Food from Gusto
yep, we eat out as a form of leisure

Went to Sakae for some sight seeing and window shopping.
Ate in another Chinese Restaurant
My mom loves Chinese food, I guess XDD
When I was in the Philippines, I never ate ramen.
I did a few times but the taste always seemed fake to me.
Now I eat them every chance I get.
I never thought ramen, the real ones, would be so yummy and filling heheheh

I'm sorry, this just made me crack up so much
This was in the Chinese resto we ate at.
Professional use? WTHeck? hahahahahahaha What does that mean?! XDDD

 I've learned to cook and I enjoy it a lot.
Garlic wings, salad with crab bits, mabo tafu and broccoli!
I look forward to cooking for my sister, my family in the Philippines and my friends.
I'm getting really good, my mom and dad said so, but we won't really know unless some one outside family says so, too heheheh

Roaming around Sakae, I saw this
Colonel Sanders in a Dragon Ball outfit, even has a dragon ball on his hands!
Made my day, made my day hahahahahha
So, I have confirmed the legend of the dressed up KFC old dude to be true. heheheheh
I feel quite proud. hahahahah

And I close this entry with a photo of my very adorable saber lion nendo

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~


  1. gotta love cosplaying col.! so much food in this post TAT

  2. Wow zero gravy talaga? Too bad. :(
    Enjoy PH KFC na lang when you return. :)

  3. Next time, you should cook your own rice, then bring it over to KFC so you can feel the Pinoy-ness of the Chicken HAHAHA~
