7th Anniversary Give Away - WINNERS!

^I am sorry!
I know I said the winners will be posted on June 4, which meant that this was supposed to be posted last Saturday but I honestly forget dates...

Work just makes me get up, eat, work, sleep and repeat. Sometimes I have no idea what day it is...

Here's a widdle pig to show how sorry I am.

Enough of my excuses!
Let's announce the winners!

As promised, we have 3 winners!
And they are...


You get to have any wig of your choice!

Shipping and all fees are all taken care of, so head over to Oujihimeshoppe and choose any 1 (one) wig you desire.

Oujihimeshoppe will ship directly to the address you will give.
If you have a particular wig in mind but you can't find it in the albums, please let me know what kind of wig you are looking for or if you have a taobao link to a specific wig, please don't hesitate to ask.

To the 3 winners, here is how to claim your prize:
1. choose a wig you like from Oujihimeshoppe <---click to access shop page

2. please email me at jaroukaism@yahoo.com with subject : GIVE AWAY WINNER 
with the following details:
*Name: (your real name so that the item can be shipped safely to you)
*Complete Address: (please include zip/postal code and country)
*Contact number AND email or fb: (phone or mobile number so that you can be contacted regarding your item)
*Link to the wig you like

3. Please email me by June 18, 2016 (Saturday), failure to do so will forfeit your prize and I will choose another name to get the free wig.

Again, congratulations! And thank you to everyone who joined!
Don't fret, there will be more give aways but maybe comment down what you'd like to win for my next give away.

Thanks so much for joining!
hahahhahaha 7 years of cosplay!

Thank you to Oujihimeshoppe and everyone who joined and those who still support my cosplay endeavors. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 If I could, I'd kiss you all but I know you want money or free stuff so please content yourself with this meme instead.

For all your cosplay needs, check out Oujihimeshoppe.
They have wigs, costumes, anime merch, customized shoe services, taobao shopping services and lots more! They ship internationally, too!
On top of that, the owners : Ouji and Hime are super nice!
I highly recommend them!

thanks for reading!
 jaa ne! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~

Edit as of June 19, 2016 - Sunday
Due to Royai @ uglyluhan's failure to contact me within the given time period, I have elected to choose another winner thru randomizer

And the 3rd recipient of a wig of their choice will be...

Please read the details and contact me by June 24, 2016 - Friday.
Congratulations, Sherry-puu!

Should Sherry fail to contact me, I will continue to select a new recipient until I have 3 winners.

Thank you!~