^My first decent crossplay!
But it's not like I've had lots of attempts...

Just love Vocaloid to bits. I've always liked Gakupo but I didn't have the resources and back then I didn't have confidence in portraying male charas so this hindered me from doing so.

But I am glad I have very supportive friends, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have proceeded with this.

The version I did was Setsugetsuka, although it would be way awesome to be in a group, that would be asking too much. Gakupo could stand alone so it was ok even though I didn't have Len and Kaito with me.

For those who are not familiar, this is the song and PV the costume was based from.

Just the right amount of cool rock and traditional Japanese music for me, and look at em costumes! Sooooo cooool!

Armed with new know-how on make up and a borrowed costume, I decided to cosplay Gakupo.
This cosplay would not have been possible if it weren't for my dear friends Jeyel and Kyo, they loaned me the costume. The costume as far as I know is from Loki's Haven but Jeyel and Kyo added details and their personal touches on the costume, it is very special to them coz they really worked hard on it plus, it was selected to be part of last year's RCC Singles Division in AFA 2011. I am so happy they trusted me with this cos but the most surprising thing is, it fitted me well! heheheh I am not sure if Kyo just has a girly figure or I am too much of a guy. hehehehe

The costume is really nice but I just had to add my personal touches to it XDD
I made a new headgear.
Went to Divisoria at the last minute and got lace in black,and in blue, a fan and a black feather boa in just under an hour.

Want to see the pics?

Character: Kamui Gakupo
Version: Setsugetsuka
Cosplay by jaRoukaSama
Series: Vocaloid
Genre: Software
Photos by: z3LL
10 March 2011
SM Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Posing and facial expressions were hard as I was not used to being a guy heheheh, did a lot of experimentation for the shots.
It was so lucky that there was a butterfly house inside SM Sta. Rosa and for 10PhP per person, you get to stay inside for 30 minutes! Totally worth it!!

 trying the "serious guy" face

 the "smug guy" face
just love em boots and good thing my leggings were purple, the shot wasn't totally ruined XD
 the blue lace on my hand is supposed to be just a blue ribbon wrapped and hanging from my hand but I went with lace as I thought it prettier

 the "yes, I know I am a beautiful man" face
I was thinking of my friend Saku while posing hehehehe
I miss you, saku-baby! ♥

Gakupo is normally a gay (as in happy) chara but I felt like I wanted to portray his more serious side
this one is the "i'm awesome, revel in my glory" face
full body shot!
I also added that green chinese silk on the belt for more patterns

A triptych!~
But fail me, I flipped one of the photos and it made all the details go on the wrong side, I just noticed now orz
but it looks good, right? riiiiight?! O_O

You may be wondering, why was I in Laguna?
Well, someone was invited to judge the cosplay competition of that event /blush blush

We arrived really early, I thought that we would get stuck in traffic but there wasn't any at all! XDD
So me and z3LL roamed around the mall to kill time. I bought my soldering iron that day.

Here are photos of the event.

Here's le me with the other guest judges, Nix Bennett and Guy Singzon
 Nix looks so sweet while I look like a pimp XDD

Bossing! hehehe I mean me with Kuya Guy

 Roaming around the event, catch a goldfish game!
I wanted to try but I got called in coz it was time for the competition =(

Some shots of the competitors on stage.

 chibi rachel alucard!

 from saint seiya!
this guy gave a new meaning to the term "costrip"
parts of his costume kept falling at certain points, it was like he was stripping XD but it didn't bother him, he continued to pose and do his thing ^^V

 sengouku basara awesomeness!
this dude jumped, kicked rolled as if he was actually from the game!
this guy was my favorite, characterization was so win!

turbo ranger red!

 After the competition we were free to roam around again but the gold fish game run out of fishies... I was sad...

Nix chilling with the gundam costumes XDD
yep, they are having a grand time on the floor XDD

 gakupo is having dancing samurai fun and doms just happened to passby XDD

saw jazz again! always nice seeing friends after a long time^^
she is in a band and has such a nice singing voice ♥ chixxxxx

After a few more photos, we had dinner in Pizzahut (me, z3LL, niko, doms, erving, a new friend- shane).
Daddy erving gave us a ride home.

It was a fun day  =)

Thanks so much to UPLB's Somasoshiki for inviting me to the event, I had a great time!
My loves jeyel and kyo, thanks so much for giving me your trust, the costume was really awesome.
Thanks to z3LL for accompanying me all the way to Laguna, adventure!~
I am so sorry for the late thanks but, many many thanks to everyone who made my March 10, 2011 a happy and memorable day.

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~