^If you do not know what Vocaloid is or even who Hatsune Miku is, then I suggest you get out of that rock of yours and immerse yourself in the awesomeness that is Vocaloid!

I admit that at first I had no clue, really zip, nil, nada, totally nothing about Vocaloid. I thought it was a manga or anime so I was so frustrated when Google kept giving me computer program or singing synthesizer.

Eventually I understood what Vocaloid was, found the songs and PVs very fascinating, the avatars were cute and had unique personalities that allowed one with a creative mind the freedom of interpretation.

So! For all the Vocaloid fans out there and those that want to know more about Vocaloid, here is the perfect event for you!

When: 20 May, 2012
Where: SMX, Mall of Asia
Gates open at 11:00 AM

This a Vocaloid event for fans by fans! 
Visit their pages: http://www.facebook.com/vocafusion, https://twitter.com/#!/VOCAFUSION, or email them at VocaFusion@gmail.com for more info!

What to look forward to in VOCA★FUSION?

There will be special guests who will fly in from abroad and lots more fun stuff to look forward to! And I may have a special participation in the event. Curious? Then better start prepping for this event as early as now! hehehehehe

The event is still a bit far off and there's still a lot that needs to be done, but you guys can be sure that this will push thru! Just check their sites/pages regularly to get the latest updates. 

There is gonna be a pre-event on the 11th of February, 2012
Auditions will be held, pre-sold tickets and if you have questions I think it would be better to ask the organizers there so you would also get a chance of meeting the people behind VOCA★FUSION

For entrepreneurs and those interested to open a booth:

I hope to see you all there!
I am confident that this event is something you will not regret! =)
I'm totally excited myself! heheheheh