A Clean Way to Start 2012

^31st of December, year 2011.
I woke up and I said to myself "Imma sew, paint and make props today!".
I was excited, this was one of the few precious days that I knew I can dedicate to my cosplay projects.
I thought I'd work on my ELR Luka, my Chun Li, and my White Bunny Sheryl Nome.
I leaped out of bed and went straight to my HQ/ work room/ cosplay room, I stared at all the stuff I accumulated over the year and then I realized that I didn't know where the new bottle of textile paint was, where my brushes are, or where my White Bunny costume was.
The room was clean, but it was clean because my aunt who doesn't like my "organized chaos" kept pushing everything in and stuffing them wherever, she was hiding everything. hahahahha

Instead of scavenging for the stuff I needed and basically adding more to the "clean mess", I decided to just clean and organize my room and my HQ. Yep, with out even washing my face or breakfast, straight out of bed, yo! hheheheheheh

Here's a look at my room before I decided to clean up.
Rurouni Kenshin! My bed sheet and pillow covers look gay heheheheh
Say hi to the Crocodile or Alligator (what ever it is hehehhe) from Father Erving who protects me while I sleep.

My aunt decided to clean my "gallery" but I caught her and I told her that I'd do it instead but I never got around to actually doing it, hence, my toys and figures are in a mess or were hidden away for safety.

Am not allowed to have posters on my walls, my mommy said it will ruin the walls so I stuck everything on my door since it ain't a wall, hooray for loopholes! heheheheh I got away with the Rurouni Kenshin coz I argued that they weren't posters. XDD

Mess mess mess XD

My HQ/ work room / cosplay room before the clean up:
This is my mommy's old room, which explains why there's a TV, aircon and a mini fridge (not seen here).

This is what pretend clean looks like, all against the wall.

Shoes and more stuff, say hi to Peggy, my mannequin head.

Started with my room, which took half a day, then I proceeded with my HQ.
From now on, all cosplay stuff shall be dumped in ze HQ, make up, clothes and other personal items only in my room! Hopefully I can stick to this XDD

This is what "sorted into piles" look like, at least for me. heheheheh
Notice how dark it is outside now?

Obligatory photo of thy self. ewwwwww Bad skin is bad. Surgical mask for cleaning? XDD

I was on a roll, I didn't notice that it was nearing midnight when I looked up. I totally blocked out all the noise hahahahah New Year came and went and I was still cleaning. Ate Dinner with my sister, Minami at around 1am. Went back to more cleaning and decided to get some rest at 4am.

Still wasn't done so on the first day of the year, I was still cleaning hahahahahah.
I had work on the 2nd of January so by 6pm, I stopped. The rooms are clean but I has to clean my gallery and my 3, yes three closets and the places I stuff our costumes in. I plan to continue my cleaning and organizing this week end. I sure hope I get done soon so I can work on my pending projects.

The largest garbage bag I could find plus 2 more plastic bags, this is the stuff that needs to be thrown away.

Now, for the after photos! Yay!!!
The half and headless mannequin used for displaying clothes, I call it Hatta. XDD

La-la-la-la organizing and labeling stuff is fun. I think I need to buy a new container for our wigs...

Costumes hanging happily and neatly. Still needs more sorting...

A more organized wall, at least I think it is hahahahah

Index cards sure are handy.

Stuff that go together are now really together.

Big improvement, if I do say so myself

There you go, now my HQ is all already to accept guests!
Hopefully I can keep it all nice and organized for at least 3 months, at least! hahhahah. I have my fingers crossed.
hmmmmm I cleaned my way thru the New Year, does that mean I'll be cleaning all through 2012? 
Nah, most prolly not. heheheheh
No after photos of my room since I am not done yet, it looks clean though since I stashed stuff away under my bed. XDD

So, how did you spend your New Year? ^^V
thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~