Regional Cosplay Competition 2011 - Philippines is Victorious

^My goodness, I still owe everyone a Cosplay Mania wrap up. Apologies, minna, but I feel that this simply can NOT wait.

2011 is a good year for the Philippine cosplay community, or at least I think it is. mwahahahahaha

The Regional Cosplay Competition or RCC is one of the highlights of Anime Festrival Asia. In this competition, the best of the best of the participating counties in South East Asia battle it out to give glory to their country's cosplay community.

This year, the Philippines emerged victorious, among those who competed were Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. Of course, this isn't to say that the other teams were less than spectacular, all of the teams were really great, costumes were superb and performances stellar. I am confident in saying this because I was so lucky to see everything up close, back stage, during rehearsals and on stage itself as I was so fortunate to be one of the helpers of our representatives (Team March Omega).

I was honestly nervous, I am not saying that I didn't believe that AC and Zhel would win, it is just that the competition was really fierce and I didn't want to be too confident. 
Still they won and I can't be more overjoyed! Hurray!

AC as Gabranth and Zhel as Warrior of Light, Team March Omega of the Philippines
Photo by Steve Yau

I remember being in the audience of the 2010 RCC with Zhel, our friends Kune and Sese were the Philippine Representatives then. Zhel had this sparkle in her eyes, she told me that next year, she'd like to be the one on stage representing the Philippines and I told her that if that happens, I would support her no matter what. It was a promise. 

I wanted to join and be her partner but seeing as we live on different ends of the Philippines, this seemed impossible. I found myself an awesome partner in Hario, and Zhel found AC. I am very much glad that even though I wasn't the one paired up with Zhel, AC was there and together they were awesome.

Seiz and Onnies of Team Thailand
Photo by Steve Yau

Now the promise has become a reality and I really am so happy for my beloved friend. When Zhel and AC won the Tournament of Champions 2011, I cried and of course, I cried even harder in RCC hahahahha
I should be ashamed but I am not, I am not embarrassed as the tears I shed show how happy and proud I am of these two.

Widy and Rian of Team Indonesia
Photo by Steve Yau

Thank you so much my dear Zhel, for choosing me to be one of your helpers, thank you for giving me the chance to be there with you, I just love seeing you succeed being there with along the way was a delight. I am honored to be part of your victory even though I did very little. Thank you so much! You are so wonderful, I love you! mwah mwah *boob hugs* heheheheheh

Justin and John G3, were equally supportive. These two were also a big part of the victory. John was the "director", Justin the "all around support guy" and for some reason I was the "manager". heheheheh

*sigh of happiness* This is truly remarkable, a moment worth remembering. =)

Congratulations Team March Omega, Zhel PubAccnt a.k.a. Gwapo-chan and AC a.k.a. Cosplay Queen Hernandez! *runs wild and throws confetti everywhere*

The Philippines weren't just victorious in RCC, we also bagged the Singles Cosplay Showcase, yo! Congratulations to Robert Wong for getting 1st place! He and his wife Jewel, our friends Jeyel and Kyo were hand picked by Kaname himself to be part of the competition! Awesome, right?

Jeyel as Setsugetsuka Megurine Luka
Photo by Steve Yau

Kyo as Setsugetsuka Kamui Gakupo
Photo by Steve Yau

Jewel and Robert Wong as Black Zaku II and Green Camo Zaku I 
Photo by Steve Yau

1st Place for the Singles Cosplay Showcase! Congratulations!
Photo by Steve Yau

2011, such a good year. I hope that for 2012, it would also be a good one and hopefully, that promise me and Zhel made with come true again. =)

Btw, this is just and entry about the competition, more on our trip to Singapore and AFA 2011, soon! (when and if I get around to writing it heheheeh)

Many thanks to our new friend and mind boggling photographer, Steve Yau for the photos! 

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~


  1. all your photos don't make me wish i was there in AFA.. i'm crying tears of joy bcoz' ur photos made it feel like I was there all along~~ it's breath-taking and awesome!

    CONGRATZ to Team Philippines!! ^x^

  2. Team Philippines gave them hell! We're proud of AC and Zhel!
