Looks and Asian Pop Convention

^For the longest time, I've been seeing my friends posting about their latest looks / fashion adventures and for the longest time, I've wanted to do the same. So officially, starting this October, I will follow suit, but I don't want to post em in lookbook, I have to many online accounts already. heeheheh I'll just utilize my blog and I'll do my best to keep this up, as I am extremely susceptible to lazyness.

The first look I will post is the one I donned yesterday, 9 Oct. 2011.

When: 9 Oct. 2011 - Sunday - Asian Pop Expo 2011
Where: SM Megamall, RP

Outfit run down:

  • Gray and Yellow Pseudo-layered top from my Mother which is really my sister Minami's property hehehehe XD
  • Black cycling short - hand me down from my Mother hehehehe
  • Brown pseudo-banig wedge
  • Blue school bag mostly used by Japanese students
  • Usual Yuu trademark black bangles
  • Domo-kun baller
  • Caramel Blonde wig courtesy of Shuffle Shop

Now to the Asian Pop Expo 2011.        

We went to SM Megamall that day because z3LL got invited to judge the Cosplay competition. Kinda short notice but our friend Silver was really in a pinch so we agreed to help out.

It was a different crowd, very few familiar faces. hehehheh Most of the attendees were more into music, it was a convention for K-pop, J-pop and C-pop lovers.

There were very few cosplayers, too. But I loved the event because it was so easy to move around, I could breathe and be myself and looking at the booths' merchandise was breeze.

Since there were very people I knew, I got to spend quality time with friends who were there, which is really nice.

Me with Silver, the woman with a voice that could launch a thousand ships
heheheheeh No, but honestly, her voice is divine!

Me with daddy Erving! heheeheh
He is wielding his dual purpose umbrella. XD

 LUNARU! She was one of the 3 judges for the cosplay event.
This is just lovely. Lunaru as Hatsune Miku of Vocaloid (Sandplay version)

These are cute but Lunaru and I were wondering how this came to be.
Bunny + Pig = Pig-snouted Bunny thingy? eheheheheh

One of the few cosplayers I really liked. Christine as Enma Ai.
This kid was so in character.

With Hell Girl's momma, so supportive. ^^V Super heart warming to see parents like this. ♥

Playing with the merchandise. heheehh Would have bought one but they were 200PhP. Too much for me XD

Me and Lunaru having fun.
hehehehehe The poster just seemed intriguing so we imitated the pose. heheheeh
How did we do?

I make a fansign for my mother once and now she is a fan sign addict!
Ok, mother! This is for you! >_< hehehehehe

Now for non cosplay photos of me! Vain much?
Sorry, am just really happy with these coz it is so rare for me to have decent photos of myself as when I am not in cosplay I usually scrunch up my face or I'm just meh -_-

We bought domo-kun ballers, too. heheeheh

All photos are by z3LL, many thanks domo-z3LL heheeheheh
For more photos of that day, please head on over to his Flickr account.

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~


  1. You guys are soo sweet! :) Nice baller bands! :p

    I've read feedback about that event thru FB rin. Some peeps not happy with the contest judging. Hmmm ... well ... I dunno haha. I haven't attended any Kpop/Asianpop events yet. I've been trying to but schedules don't permit. :p

  2. @chai- not sure who won though, we left right after the judging. plus most of the cosplayers just breezed thru the stage. it was hard for the judges to see their questions if they just passed by. XD

    there'll be more next time and hopefully we can hang out! heheehhehe

    buy then kayo ni faffi emman ng ballers nyo ehheheehe ♥

  3. cuutteeeeeee lol lunaru so yum yum
