^It was a summer day.
My sister, Minami was lying on her bed while watching TV and I was on the floor by the mirror.
She goes and says "Para tayong School Rumble" ("we are like school rumble") then points to the TV screen.
At first I didn't get what she meant, then it hit me, she was right!

Here are the things we have in common with Tenma and Yakumo
-biological sisters.
-Tenma is older but she is more care-free than Yakumo, just like me!
-It is not that obvious that Tenma is older than Yakumo, Minami is often mistaken as the older sister.
-I have long dark hair just like Tenma.
-Minami has short dark hair just like Yakumo.
-I am older but I am short compared to Minami, just like Tenma compared to Yakumo.

Since the costume was easy and we would be saving a lot since we would be using our real hair (no need to buy a wig), we decided to give it a go. heheeeheh

The Tsukamoto sisters were our 2nd Official Cosplay, but we don't have proper pictures of when we first wore it. oTL

For those of you who are not familiar with these characters, I seriously suggest you watch School Rumble!
It's a wild, random and absolutely funny series. ^^

Tenma Tsukamoto 
(塚本 天満 Tsukamoto Tenma)

Short and fairly childish for her age (16), 
She does not believe herself to be very pretty in the eyes of boys, even though most of them admit that she's cute.  One of her distinctive physical features are the little pigtails in her hair, which often wiggle if she is happy, excited and sometimes shocked. She is also slow and unreliable; she often misunderstands obvious situations. Despite her negative qualities, Tenma is good-natured, friendly, sweet, and very determined. 

Yakumo Tsukamoto
(塚本 八雲 Tsukamoto Yakumo)
Beautiful, smart, and shy, Tenma's younger sister, Yakumo, is the most admired girl in school. Despite her many positive qualities, Yakumo has never had a boyfriend having turned down at least eight would-be suitors. 

Characters: Tsukamoto Tenma and Tsukamoto Yakumo - summer seifuku version
Cosplay by jaRoukaSama and Minami
Genre: Anime/ Manga
Photos by: z3LL
9th TOYCON Day1
19 June 2010
SM Megamall

Here are photos of our Tenma and Yakumo cosplay.
Prepare for image over load hehehehe

Tenma and Yakumo

Tenma and Yakumo cosplay

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~