^At first I had zero idea of what Vocaloid was.
But people in cons have suddenly popped up sporting these intriguing costumes and saying it was a version of their favorite Vocaloid character.

As soon as I got home, I Googled Vocaloid. I was really confused because I thought it was a manga or an anime.
But when I searched the web computer programs, voice bank and singing synthesizers kept showing up.
I was confused. T_T'' Really confused.

Searched youtube. After A LOT of videos, at last! I understood what vocaloid was, well sort of! hahahaha

Really amazing, but at that time I didn't have a full understanding of what it was, utauloid and fanmade ones were the same to me.

Until my Itoko Maddie tagged me and my sister, Minami, to be part of her Annoying Bocaloid Cosplay group.
Was really hesitant cause I was a bum then and I was basically the one who payed for me and my sister's cosplays. Itoko Maddie was persistent, and told me that we were perfect for the role of Meiko and Luka and that she really wanted the whole set of 7 to be complete.

Finally agreed, Itoko Maddie has super great persuasion skills, you know hahhaah XD (thanks so much, Itoko! My Luka cosplay life would not have started with out you! /glomps)
Anyway, my first Vocaloid character was Meiko and it was all because of Itoko Maddie. I'll make a separate post about my Meiko cosplay, I promise. XD

Then z3LL got invited to a Vocaloid shoot with Yinneian and Krishinya. They were gonna cosplay Len and Gakupo. Somehow, I got myself in as a Luka, since we already had the costume which my Itoko Maddie was so generous to provide.

My Luka cosplay was supposed to be for the said shoot only but somehow, people thought that I didn't do such a bad job and when I thought about it, Luka's voice was the one I liked best out of the Vocaloid bunch. One version led to another, so now here I am, a full pledged Megurine Luka cosplayer. XD


Here's some info about Megurine Luka, just in case you've been living under a rock for a while now XD.

Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ) 
DeveloperCrypton Future Media
Release date30 January 2009
Height162 cm (5'4")
Weight45 kg (99 pounds)
Optimum genreLatin-jazz-pop ESUNO / house-dance electronica
Optimum tempo65 ~ 145BPM
Optimum rangeD3 ~ D5
Character ItemFrozen tuna, whip

She was the third Japanese Vocaloid2 from Crypton and released on January 30, 2009.Her surname combines Meguri (巡, circulate or around) and Ne (音, sound), while the name Luka invokes the homonymous Japanese words of "nagare" (流, flow) and "ka" (歌, song) or "ka" (香, scent); thus making "songs to all around the world as scent spreads." Yū Asakawa (浅川 悠) provided the voice for the "cool, somewhat mysterious" character.

  • According to KEI, who was asked to illustrate her by Crypton, due to her bilingual software, her design was made to be asymmetrical, so from different angles she would look different.

  • Her design incorporates woodwind and brass instruments. The gold curl design on her chest mimics brass instruments and a circulatory organ. The jewel on her throat represents moisture in the air and water drops.

As I was doing research about Luka, I found out things that I think we have in common that really made me like her more. Like how another person named Yu (Asakawa) provided her voice. Like she was a virgo, too. And when I started to cosplay Luka, we were roughly the same age. AND I am 99kg (I have never weighed more or less than that since forever hahahaah) and I stand at 5"4 as well. Coincidence? Maybe so, but I felt so special sharing these similarities with Luka. XD

So anyway, here are photos of my Megurine Luka cosplay in her default costume.
You'll see how the costume improved as time went on. =) hahahah 

Character: Megurine Luka
Cosplay by jaRoukaSama
Series: Vocaloid
Default Version

Photo overload to follow (/^w^)/
These ones are from the 1st time I attempted to be Luka.
02 May 2011
Eli con
Coz they were taken in Eli's condo hahahahah

Photos taken and uploaded by z3LL

Here are Yinneian and Krishinya in their awesome renditions of Len and Gakupo.
Yinneian as Kagamine Len

Krishinya as Kamui Gakupo

Uploads by me >w<

Megurine Luka cosplay, me being emo? hahahaha

Me as Megurine Luka with Krishinya as awesome Kamui Gakupo
My first attempt is NOT that awesome... tsk
Shame... not really a fail but meh -.-

Photos by Aruki
Who by the way I met for the first time ever on this shoot.
Good times, good times =)
GGRKS inspired shot. So fun. hehehhe

Oh the imperfections of this cosplay >_< But Aruki took such a good photo. =)

Wore this costume a couple of more times, always changing and improving something along the way.

I made myself a giant plushie tuna, too. hehhehhe

Until we got to it's final form, which I am very proud of.
I am now truly satisfied with my Megurine Luka cosplay in her default outfit.

Here are photos of my Luka cosplay in it's final form.
Photos taken by z3LL
23 December 2010
MegaCon Day 2
SM Megamall Atrium

Just in case you didn't notice, here are the things that changed:

  • *new wig, a gift from z3LL hehehehee (thanks so much /hug)
  • *new and fancier chest gem pin
  • *new headgear which now has a mouth piece
  • *new synthesizer
  • *new armbands
  • *added that thing on the boots
  • *painted the chest piece with gold chrome
  • *adjusted the position of the chest piece, made it higher
  • *used a different brand of nail polish

So... that's about it. XD
My Megurine Luka cosplay that I am so proud of.
I have this habit of graduating from a cosplay when I am happy and satisfied with it already.
Since I am pretty much very very glad with this, I am now gonna move on to other cosplays and will just wear this version if the situation would call for it.

Biggest thanks to my Itoko Maddie, my sister Minami, Ayi, Tin, Aruki, my neechan Kia and to z3LL. I love you all! /group hug =)

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~